Partner for your professional evolution
Combination of career counseling and HR management experience based on a deep understanding of the reality of the work environment provided by a former engineer and business unit manager.
« My main mission consists in helping others to know themselves as well as their skills better in order to evolve personally. It also includes helping others choose an appropriate training and develop employability and careers.”

Fabienne GORON
I bring my expertise in order to optimize
- Professional evolutions :
– Recruitment, strategic career management for executives
– Career development, skills assessment, training and retraining for employees (CPF *)
- Educational and vocational counseling and internships / job seeking :
– Educational and vocational guidance targeting young people (middle school, high school, higher education),
– Internship and employment prospection for students
Thanks to my rich experience and my training background, I have a broad view of the issues of organizations
* CPF « Compte Personnel de Formation » : a means of financing one’s training, skill assessment (or re-training) through his own initiative which is available throughout the professional life in the French system.
My solutions
Your consultant offers you various personalized services to manage your human resources and their development : from recruitment to outplacement through career management and training. We propose three different solutions.
recruitment solutions
Help you recruit your employees according to your needs and establish an integration path through a number of appointments defined as needed.
Contact us to define your project and to know the details of our offer.
HR solutions
Set up a career and training plan for your organization. MyPass Évolution offers you detailed help and clear advice regarding HR administration and organization.
Contact us to define your project and to know the details of our offer.
Outplacement solutions
Support for the dismissal of a collaborator and his insertion in employment. During several meetings, we set up skills assessment and support / tools adapted to his specific needs: elaborate the strategy and actions for returning to employment.
Contact us to define your project and to know the details of our offer.
MyPass Evolution brings you personalized advice for your professional development, your skills assessment or your job research. We also give you keys to step back and manage tense situations (such as suffering at work). We help you understand the French labor market.
Give help to analyze a difficult work situation, a need for training, or career development and job seeking. The number of appointments is determined according to the needs in order to master one or more key stages of your professional evolution.
Contact us to define your project and to know the details of our offer.
Skill assessment ("bilan de compétences")
A minimum of 8 appointments to take stock of your skills and motivation, your strengths and weaknesses related to the job market : in order to fix a training or new possible jobs to establish / enhance your career development or to consider a professional reconversion / training.
You can also see details in this section, clik here :
Contact us to define your project and to know the details of our offer.
MyPass Evolution gives you clear and detailed help on educational counseling, internship and job seeking, adapted to the needs of young people:
educational counseling*
MyPass Evolution accompanies young people from secondary school to higher education. We help find a learning path according to the sector and the French system. We consider re-orientation strategies.
Contact us to define your project and to know the details of our offer.
MyPass Evolution accompanies students and recent graduates in their research for internships, work-study contracts or first-time jobs : workshop and coaching for CV / resume, cover letter, interview. We prepare you for tools and professional behaviors to expand your network, obtain and succeed in your job interviews.
Contact us to define your project and to know the details of our offer.
My expertise is based on

First engineer, I turned into business development before studying HR and becoming HR advisor and HR manager in an international organization.

Master’s degree in Occupational Psychology and a diploma in Agronomic Engineering giving me an ability to analyze situations and rigor to provide relevant advices.

Capacity to create networks and to put in motion
Listen to customers with respect to find personalised/customized solutions and build a professional network.

Professionalism : welcoming , attentive and personalized support respecting HR practices and privacy.
Transparency : authenticity and respect of agreements. Honesty.
Encouragement : in order to help oneself evolve positively.
Open-mindedness / cultural openness : a necessary condition in building appropriate.
MyPass Evolution advantages
Sales engineer, then Director of a Business UNIT (South East agency of a subsidiary of a large group), I was then president (operational) of a local humanitarian association, HR consultant and then HRR of the French entity of an international NGO(Non Governmental Organization, non profit).
The technical, commercial and Human Resources challenges are familiar to me as well as a wide variety of working environments : agribusiness or aluminum industry, service provider company (subsidiary of VEOLIA Environnement) or NGOs .
Realism and curiosity, co-construction and empathy allowed me to adapt and succeed in the missions given to me. It is essential for me to respond to the contract while taking into account the individuals : I work in a balanced posture between the management and the teams (see my values).
Mother of 3 young men (in higher education), I am used to their codes and their universe. I often appreciate their vision of the world that enriches me, jostles me and makes me evolve…
With the labour reforms France experiences regularly, it is important to stay in touch with the partners of the organizations: OPCO (organisation providing advices and financing skills development and training), professionals federations and employers unions, public and private actors of training and employment. Also, I ensure a regulatory and economic watch in order to keep employees and leaders informed of the mandatory measures or favorable HRM features.
Transitions require a guidance through the range of possibilities: my experiences in a variety of settings allows me to have an extensive professional network that encompasses a wide range of trades. It is by listening, with care, flexibility and tenacity, that I accompany my clients.
In addition to interviews, I use specific tools of professional development: tests, exploration software « training and trades » performance (including the most comprehensive and up-to-date basis of the French market with more than 1200 trades!). For all the skills assessments and especially psychological tests, I collaborate with a psychologist or a certified coach as appropriate : during a specific meeting, this professional gives client an opportunity to raise any issues they regard as important about their personality.
I am meticulous in my counseling practices and I receive supervision from a certified professional.

Due to my curiosity and my cross-cultural experiences, I include the possibility of international experiences in my accompaniments in professionnal evolution or education counseling decentered of the French context.
I can speak English, therefore, if needed by my clients, I can go through the possibilities of expatriation and understand the documents in English relating to work positions. Meetings will be generally in French but can be in English if necessary ; on a regular basis, tests are done in French.
I can help you prepare for the specific challenges of expatriation having had to manage expatriates in my former position as Human Resources Manager.
You can follow us and find news about “EDUCATIONAL COUNSELING, CAREER GUIDANCE & DEVELOPMENT on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages
Any questions ?
In which language are the meetings ?
Meetings are run in French. If necessary, though I ‘m not fluent, the conversations can be in English about the different previous topics. Tests are done in French. Some can be done in English.
Where do the appointments take place ?
In Dijon, in a peaceful, professional and secure place/environment.
Can we have the details of the services before taking a decision ?
Of course, services are personalized. We define your needs to find the best solutions.
How do we pay ?
The payment is made by down payment to the order and the balance at the end (except for very short or long services).
note : monthly payment possibilities : contact us beforehand.
Contact us !
We’ll find the best solutions, together, according to your needs.
+33(0)7 71 28 53 16
21000 Dijon, France
* In addition, they are intented for MyPass Evolution, Fabienne Goron EI exclusively and will not be sold to other organisations for marketing purposes. In conformity with the law “Informatique et Libertés and the GDPR ”. You can exercise your right of access to data concerning you and have them rectified or withdrawn via this Contact page or writing to See also « Mentions légales ».